Jean-Maurice MERCIER
06/05/2010, 14:00
As presented in detail at the CWRF’2008 workshop, the ESRF RF system will undergo a major upgrade, klystrons being replaced with high power solid state amplifiers (SSA) and existing five-cell cavities of the storage ring with strongly HOM damped single cell cavities. The company ELTA, who has a technology transfer contract with SOLEIL, was selected to produce the first batch of seven 150 kW...
Nikolai Schwerg
06/05/2010, 14:30
The LHC accelerating RF system merely consists of a 300 kW klystron, a 3-port circulator, a superconducting cavity and an RF load. The resonance of the superconducting structure is strongly influenced by the external RF system. The loaded Q, i.e. the external quality factor of the cavity, therefore also depends on the reflection of the circulator.
The circulators are equipped with a...