Meeting 1

31/S-010 (CERN)



Show room on map

Present: Tony Cass, Oliver Keeble, Mario Lassnig, Andrea Manzi, Edoardo Martelli


Tony introduced the meeting explaining that the aim was to explore ways to optimise network data transfers to make best use of the bandwidth available, not so much as there is a shortage of bandwidth today but to be sure that experiments don't suffer should there be a shortage in the future.

Oliver pointed out that network optimisation is only really possible for large-volume planned transfers where latency is not a concern and wondered if this would be relevant in future if more transfers were "synchronous" relating to an immediate need to access remote data from a "data lake". Mario considered, however, that there would always be a need for significant asynchronous data transfers.

It was agreed that Edoardo would look at the feasibility of using information in FTS on queued transfer requests to see if traffic could be routed via a backup path between sites rather than on the primary path. This would effectively increase bandwidth but at the cost of some delay. Oliver said that FTS would happily accept increased delay for an increase in aggregate throughput. Edoardo noted that the increased delay would apply to any traffic between the two nodes, not just traffic for the queued FTS transfers but Tony commented that the delays were at the millisecond level and the nodes concerned would not be handling interactive activities so there should not be any adverse impact.


Edoardo will contact Oliver and Andrea to follow up before the next meeting at 10am on Wednesday May 23rd.

There are minutes attached to this event. Show them.
    • 1
      Introduction & discussion
      Speaker: Tony Cass (CERN)