4–7 Sept 2018
Europe/London timezone

What defines a workload as High Throughput Computing

4 Sept 2018, 17:10
CR12, R68 (RAL)

CR12, R68


Science and Technology Facilities Council Rutherford Appleton Laboratory Harwell Campus Didcot OX11 0QX United Kingdom Tel: +44 (0)1235 445 000 Fax: +44 (0)1235 445 808 N 51° 34' 27.6" W 1° 18' 52.6" (51.57433,-1.31462)
HTCondor presentations and tutorials Workshop presentations


Miron Livny (University of Wisconsin-Madison)


Distinguishing characteristics of High Throughput Computing (HTC), including how it contrasts with High Performance Computing (HPC). When is HTC appropriate, when is HPC appropriate? Also lessons and best practices learned from experiences running the Open Science Grid, a 100+ institution distributed HTC environment.

Primary author

Miron Livny (University of Wisconsin-Madison)

Presentation materials