ETICS Technical Commitee




Conference Name: ETICS Technical Committee meeting Recurrence: Every Thursday at 15:30 CET Dial-in numbers: +41227676000 (Main) Access code: 0126137 (Participant) Participant site:
    • 15:30 15:35
      Welcome and headcount 5m
    • 15:35 16:00
      Status reports 25m
      Highlights of the week, 5 minutes for each WP (NA2, SA1, SA2, JRA1, JRA2)
      • NA2 5m
      • SA1 5m
        ++ Services - SA1 Services had problems with SL5 builds. - Working on the features agreed in Budapest plus the usual activities ++ Releases - Release 2.4.7 released with the new client (1.4.10) with plugins and bug fixes - Will make a new release for minor repository improvements - 2.5.0 is the next major release. ++ Development - Continuing from last week Multinode - Working on multi-node testing on all aspects involved (WS, repository, clients, etc) - A bit late on the client side, will nto have editing. - Adapting the Web Applications to support the configuration and launch of multi-node tests. - Plugins are included and executed. Collecting metrics every build Metrics, Dashboard - Dashboard for a User Project is being tested for etics itself. AQCM Reports - AQCM report is considering many metrics. Only a few missing. Reports generated. - Plug-ins integration continuted. The plugins received are now integrated. Submitters - Submitters integration progressing on the development environment (SA2). - VMloader (ex bootstraper) can execute and report the results on vmware. Working in integrating it with NMI. Dynamically runs builds and tests on a worker node with VMWARE and the images of SL4 SL5 on 32,64 bits. As a proof of concept and prototype is a success. ++ Deliverables - Preparing draft 0.4 of DJRA1.4 (implementation of VM support) received input from JRA1.
      • SA2 5m
        Support ------- - Gianni, Uwe in shift. 7 tickets, 5 solved, 1 escalated, 1 pending Infrastructure Integration Job Submission ------------------------------------------ - Working on a test installation of etics-dev with integrated submitters. Deliverables and Milestones --------------------------- - DSA2.6 PM20 Will be ready for internal review tomorrow. - MSA2.4 PM20 Should have an installation ready quite soon.
      • JRA1 5m
        We are focused now on job migration, which is our major outstanding task that I'm aware of. After talking with Becky, we would really like to upgrade Condor both at the UW and at CERN. Not only will this enable job migration (bugs affecting job migration have been fixed), but I understand that CERN is using a development release of Condor which is not supported and is out of date. So we'd really like to accomplish this. Becky will be in touch with Marian to plan and schedule an upgrade, and we hope we can accomplish this soon. We recommend upgrading to Condor 7.4.0, which is just about to be released. While it should be straightforward to do the update, it will require a few configuration adjustments, which Becky can describe in detail.
      • JRA2 5m
        Implementation working on the web testing scenario implementing, testing of the Selenium Grid plugin implementing some tests is in progress designing the workflow for the scenario DesktopGrid Application Some success on adding new applications into the BOINC server. It builds on SLC5 and 4 not for debian. The most of the issues with the BOINC client are resolved. There is still a dependency problem. Deliverables DJRA2.5 – the final version have been sent to the pmb the final version
    • 16:00 16:15
      All hands meeting 15m
    • 16:15 16:20
      Deliverables, milestones and planning check 5m
      Formal check of agreed milestones and planning
    • 16:20 16:25
      ETICS USIS (User Satisfaction Improvement Strategy) 5m
      Improving user satisfaction about usage of the ETICS services is critical. ETICS is often perceived as slow and difficult to use. This is due to a number of factors: 1) Need for technical improvements in speed and usability 2) Disinformation or third-party rumours 3) General resistance to adopt 'procedures' We need to understand what to focus on and have a plan to address this issue as a combination of technical enhancements, training and dissemination. Where to start?
    • 16:25 16:30
      AOB 5m