BLonD code development meeting

864/1-B04 (CERN)



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To-do list:

  • unittests
  • update website and docs

Kostis status report

MPI Status

  • support for multiple objects
  • process generation and tracing revised -> timing histograms
  • induced voltage calculation is still done by the master, not by all workers; can reduce broadcast time by making every worker calculate the same
    • summing induced voltages from partial histograms rather than calculating the induced voltage from summed histograms?
    • would it be useful to have workers grouped by bunch and do short-range wake calculations on each node separately?
  • Everyone: testcases needed with increased input sizes -> Markus, Alex (multi-turn), Ivan (FCC)

BLonD packaging

  • library installation via pip install
  • packaging is ready, but will be a "major" commit -> will affect all files
    • from BLonD.input_parameters.ring import Ring etc.
  • will have to migrate main files
  • relative paths or absolute paths?
  • some general instructions for packaging to follow...
    • then we can publish to PyPI

Bug fixes:

  • need more testcases to be executed on CI --> add also examples to CI
  • clean up needed in impedances: calculates also the interpolation kick, which should not be!
    • separate induced voltage kick
  • updated design: methods should be defined in each class
    • eventually should be called globally from the assembler

General interest:

  • Going away from GitHub?
  • Check how to migrate to Gitlab CERN
    • what are the conditions for external users?
  • Inovesa Vlasov Equation solver (Fokker-Planck part for electrons, but with linear RF voltage)
  • Galaclic (ABP) Vlasov solver for growth times, linear approximation
There are minutes attached to this event. Show them.
    • 10:00 10:30
      General Info 30m
      Speakers: Aaron Farricker (CERN), Alexandre Lasheen (CERN), Danilo Quartullo (Sapienza Universita e INFN, Roma I (IT)), Giulia Papotti (CERN), Helga Timko (CERN), Ivan Karpov (CERN), Joel Repond (EPFL - Ecole Polytechnique Federale Lausanne (CH)), Mr Konstantinos Iliakis (CERN), Markus Schwarz (CERN), Simon Albright (CERN), Theodoros Argyropoulos (Instituto de Fisica Corpuscular IFIC (ES))
    • 10:30 11:00
      Newest code release 30m
      Speakers: Aaron Farricker (CERN), Alexandre Lasheen (CERN), Danilo Quartullo (Sapienza Universita e INFN, Roma I (IT)), Giulia Papotti (CERN), Helga Timko (CERN), Ivan Karpov (CERN), Joel Repond (EPFL - Ecole Polytechnique Federale Lausanne (CH)), Mr Konstantinos Iliakis (CERN), Markus Schwarz (CERN), Simon Albright (CERN), Theodoros Argyropoulos (Instituto de Fisica Corpuscular IFIC (ES))
    • 11:00 11:30
      Status report 30m
      Speaker: Mr Konstantinos Iliakis (CERN)