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GIF++ installation and schedule meeting

892/1-D20 (CERN)



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Giuseppe Pezzullo (CERN), Martin Richard Jaekel (CERN), Federico Ravotti (CERN)


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    • 09:15 09:25
      Review of last week operation & plans for this week 10m
      Filter scan:
      Upstream : CMS-RPC, after meeting, 3-4h,  (6.9 & 4.6)
      Downstream : not this week.
      Access 30 min at 16h30
      General :
      - last Wednesday CMS-RPC trolley will be moved in order to allow EP-DT-2 to move at about 3 m from source
      - question: will LHCb set-up stay inside bunker during irradiation period?
      This Week :  Friday afternoon  - 1/2 days Source ON/OFF for dose measurement


    • 09:25 09:40
      Planning for Muon Beam time 15m
      Beam Time:
      - one more week in August
      - discussion between the set-up started
      - CSC interested in using 4 weeks
      - CMS RPC will use 3 set-ups but not at the same time. To agree with EP-DT-2 how to share the beam time
      For July : Week 25-27 - 2 weeks of beam pipe installed
    • 09:40 09:50
      New requests for tests at GIF 10m

      introduction, goal of the test, plan, needs

      Upcoming sTGC production tests.

      Proposal : at distance from 1.5 meters, full field, ≈ 2 days, upstream. Around 4.July.

    • 09:50 10:05
      Infrastructure & Upgrades to the Facility 15m

      Improvements needed or planned for the facility.

      Speakers: Giuseppe Pezzullo (CERN), Martin Richard Jaekel (CERN)

      Ongoing Projects :

      Retrieval of TIMBER values : Work in progress, but already available in beta version
      Test site :

      Additional values need to be collected/republished ?
              - REMUS  - to be included in GIF Display
              - XTDV - to be included in pytimber only


      • Upcoming Interventions 5m

        Installation of shielding for Cosmic tracker roof chambers - after dose measurement

        Dose measurement foreseen for next weekj  (to be confirmed)

      • Requirements during LS2 5m
    • 10:05 10:15
      Announcements 10m

      You can subscribe to the calendar with the following link (to be added in you calendar application)

      • Muon Beam Time 2018 5m

        Update on the SPS Planning

      • IMPACTS for 2018 5m

        Guidelines for filling in IMPACT requests

        General Guideline : One IMPACT per setup.

        • two chambers on individual supports -> 2 IMPACT declarations
        • multiple chambers swapped on same or similar support -> one IMPACT declaration
        • basically, if you need two locations, please make two IMPACT declaration (clone)

        Each Setup should have IMPACT label attached with number.
        Attached documents : CAD file  or  picture.
        Review working hours : if your declaration includes the bunker area, please state the number of hours you want to stay INSIDE the bunker only (for RP purposes).

        NEW IMPACT needed for 2018. (All current IMPACTS will expire at Saturday 23.December)

        Special IMPACT needed for Christmas Closure.

      • New Announcements 5m
      • AOB 5m