Abstract Submission Guideline (by INDICO)

Guidance for abstract submission of ICABU2018 homepage

    - create indico(CERN) account (consult fig. 1 below)

      click here: https://account.cern.ch/account/Externals/RegisterAccount.aspx


Fig 1. create indico(CERN) account

    - set/change passwd of indico(CERN) account (consult fig 2)

      : After creating indico account according fig 1, link for password setting of  indico

        (CERN) will be sent to your e-mail. (password can be set/modified)


fig 2. set/change passwd of indico(CERN) account

    - Conference Registration by Registration Form in ICABU2018 homepage (consult fig 3)


fig 3. Registration Form in ICABU2018 homepage

    - Abstract Submission in Abstract & Paper Submission-Abstraction Submission (by INDICO) menu of ICABU 2018  homepage

       1. To submit abstract, click submit new abstract button after clicking Abstract & Paper Submission-Abstraction Submission (by INDICO) menu (consult fig 4)


fig 4. submit new abstract button

      2. Type indico(CERN) ID and password (consult fig 5)


fig 5. Type indico(CERN) id and password

      3. Submit your abstract file(s)

         - Type your abstract info (abstract title, principal author

         - Drag your abstract file into the Attachment Area

         - choose your abstract fields (Accelerator / Beam Utilization)

         - Press submit button (Your Abstract have uploaded)