Charge transport simulation is at the heart of reproducing the response of pixel detectors. In the Allpix Squared framework charge transport is also considered as the primary component where the framework has been constructed around. This contribution aims to give an overview of the current capabilities for charge transport in Allpix Squared. The main goal is to show the different charge...
The flexibility of Allpix-squared allows for the inclusion of new absorber materials and detector geometries with relative ease. We will discuss an ongoing effort to include sensors with high-Z materials commonly used in medical and industrial digital x-ray radiography.
We have implemented charge carrier mobility parameterizations for materials and compounds such as Ge, SiGe, and GaAs. The...
Starting in 2022, the LHC will be upgraded to the High Luminosity-LHC, which will have a luminosity almost five times larger than the current luminosity. In order to cope with the higher radiation level and with the higher pile-up, the ATLAS experiment needs a complete replacement of the current tracking system with an all silicon detector, the Inner Tracker (ITk).
The ITk Strip Detector will...
MALTA is a monolithic active pixel sensor intended for implementation in the outer layers of the ATLAS pixel detector during the Phase-II upgrade. Monolithic active pixels produced in commercial CMOS technology have a number of advantages over hybrids sensors currently being used, including: improved granularity, lower material budget, lower power dissipation, and lower financial cost. The...