26–27 Nov 2018
Europe/Zurich timezone

New materials and high-Z absorbers for x-ray detection

27 Nov 2018, 14:00
513/1-024 (CERN)



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Sebastien Murphy (ETH Zurich (CH))


The flexibility of Allpix-squared allows for the inclusion of new absorber materials and detector geometries with relative ease. We will discuss an ongoing effort to include sensors with high-Z materials commonly used in medical and industrial digital x-ray radiography.
We have implemented charge carrier mobility parameterizations for materials and compounds such as Ge, SiGe, and GaAs. The specific case of a "monolithic x-ray sensor" where the absorber is covalently bonded to the silicon chip will also be shown.
The simulated geometry profits from the full functionalities of Allpix-squared (input of TCAD field simulations, charge carrier diffusion, digitization, etc.. ) which allow to estimate the performance of x-ray detectors with a fast execution time. The outcome of this extension will thus be of great added value in the rapidly-expanding field of digital radiography.

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