1st CBG Study Programme Group meeting
401 (Vilnius University)
Vilnius University
Vilnius University at National Center of Physical Sciences and Technology
Sauletekio al 3 - D401
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Outcome from the CBG meeting at CERN - Study programme:
- There are potentially money available in Latvia for masters and PhD programme in order of 100K each
- Objectives of the programme are following (to be completed):
- To maximise EE, LV, LT return from CERN membership – for industry and for research institution/universities
- To minimise brain drain
- Opportunity for new generations
- To prepare specialists for industries in Baltic Countries – both physics and accelerator technologies
- It was agreed:
- to keep it open for international students and not to limit to Members
- to avoid fragmentation – to have broad subjects
- to include Big data and data science in curricula on top of high energy particle physics and accelerator technology
- to do risk / benefit analysis for all participants – to have situation awareness
- Challenges:
- how to get enough students interested?
- legal issues – double diplomas, etc
- mobility of students
- distance learning and modular system
- how to attract “big names” - beacons?
- Key competences and skills to be agreed
Dr. Kalvis Kravalis