Indico celebrates its 20th anniversary! Check our blog post for more information!

17–19 Oct 2018
Europe/Zurich timezone


Mixing and CP violation in Beauty and Charm

17 Oct 2018, 10:45
500/1-001 - Main Auditorium (CERN)

500/1-001 - Main Auditorium


Show room on map


Mixing and CP violation in Beauty and Charm

  • Michael Thomas Alexander (University of Glasgow (GB))
  • Keri Vos (Siegen University)
  • Sevda Esen (Nikhef National institute for subatomic physics (NL))
  • Jeremy Peter Dalseno (University of Bristol (GB))

Mixing and CP violation in Beauty and Charm

  • Jeremy Peter Dalseno (University of Bristol (GB))
  • Keri Vos (Siegen University)
  • Michael Thomas Alexander (University of Glasgow (GB))
  • Sevda Esen (Nikhef National institute for subatomic physics (NL))

Presentation materials

There are no materials yet.
Mr Matthew Kirk (IPPP, Durham University)
17/10/2018, 10:45
Simon Benedikt Stemmle (Ruprecht Karls Universitaet Heidelberg (DE))
17/10/2018, 11:15
Nathan Philip Jurik (University of Oxford (GB))
17/10/2018, 12:05
Federico Betti (Universita e INFN, Bologna (IT))
17/10/2018, 12:25
Ikaros Bigi (University of Notre Dame)
18/10/2018, 10:50
Susan Carol Haines (University of Cambridge (GB))
18/10/2018, 11:20
Maria Vieites Diaz (Universidade de Santiago de Compostela (ES))
18/10/2018, 12:05
Emilie Bertholet (Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique (FR))
18/10/2018, 12:25
Building timetable...