Nuclear structure: Nuclear structure
- Makoto Asai (SLAC National Accelerator Laboratory (US))
This session is dedicated to GEANT4 developments for nuclear structure studies.
The Geant4 radioactive decay process, models and databases have undergone many
upgrades during the past several years. These include refactoring the analog and biased decay to allow more efficient sampling, the modularization of the models which implement the various decay modes, physics improvements of the final state particle spectra for many of the decay modes, and the addition of new...
Geant4 uses the so called G4ParticleHP package to model the low energy neutron and charged particle interactions according to the information available in ENDF-6 format data libraries. In these libraries the photon production is presented in some cases in an uncorrelated way, for example for neutron capture reactions. Thus, this information can not be used to produce the secondary...
We will present a new event generator created for the calculation of the response functions of total absorption spectrometers used in the study of complex beta decays. The development is based on an extension of the Radioactive Decay package. In the even generator, the level scheme of the decay of interest is divided in two regions: one region in which the original information from high...