An Introduction to Go: Why and how to write good Go code (3/3)
Go has recently hit its 1.10 release and recently celebrated its seventh anniversary as an open source project. During these years Go has become the language of the cloud and it has been adopted by companies and projects across the world, from Google to Microsoft and Apple, and is an essential part of the cloud as it powers Docker and Kubernetes.
We will cover why the language was created, the key features that distinguish it from other languages, and how to write code that uses them correctly. We will also focus on the tooling around the language, which is a key factor on its success.
Francesc Campoy Flores is the VP of Developer Relations at source{d}, a startup applying ML to source code and building the platform for the future of developer tooling. Previously, he worked at Google as a Developer Advocate for Google Cloud Platform and the Go team.
He’s passionate about programming and programmers, specially Go and gophers. As part of his effort to help those learning he’s given many talks and workshops at conferences like Google I/O, Gophercon(s), GOTO, or OSCON.
When he’s not on stage he’s probably coding, writing blog posts, or working on his justforfunc YouTube series where he hacks while cracking bad jokes.
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