Indico celebrates its 20th anniversary! Check our blog post for more information!

30 November 2009 to 4 December 2009
KFKI Campus
Europe/Budapest timezone


Hydro and analysis of RHIC data

1 Dec 2009, 09:00
Tanácsterem (Council rooms), Builiding 3 (KFKI Campus)

Tanácsterem (Council rooms), Builiding 3

KFKI Campus

H-1121 Budapest XII, Konkoly-Thege M. u 29-33 Hungary

Presentation materials

There are no materials yet.
Prof. Antal JAKOVÁC (Budapest Technical University (BME), Hungary)
01/12/2009, 09:00
Dr Imre BARNA (MTA KFKI AEKI, Budapest, Hungary)
01/12/2009, 09:30
Máté Csanád (ELTE University, Budapest, Hungary)
01/12/2009, 10:00
Building timetable...