SESSION III: Practical applications of risk assessment in process safety
- Helen Boyer (ESS, Sweden)
- Art Arnalich (CERN)
In framework of process industries (e.g., chemical and petrochemical facilities), major accidents are accidental events connected with the use of hazardous materials in an industrial site. Major fires, explosions, toxic dispersions/contaminations constitute examples of possible events leading to serious danger to human health and/or the environment. These events feature high magnitude or...
A number of Swedish acts and ordinances give the basic requirements of facility safety. None of
these are tailored for ESS, hence interpretation is required for appropriate application.
The Licensee shall as far as reasonable possible, based on existing technical experience and economical and social circumstances, undertake measures to limit 1) production of radioactive waste, 2) release of...
BLEVE explosions keep occurring from time to time in process plants, storage and transport by road or rail. Concerning the materials, the highest contribution is that from LPG and water, but many other liquids can also be involved; depending on their properties, the explosion can be followed by a fireball or a toxic cloud.
Although diverse models and methodologies have been proposed to...