Collisions at the CERN Large Hadron Collider (LHC) produce showers of particles that are detected by heterogenous detectors composed of hundreds of millions of individual sensors, laid out under complex geometry. An event can be seen as a tree of detectable particles branching from the unstable particles (e.g., the Higgs boson) produced in the collisions. Once detected, events are collected as...
The IT-DB-DAR section at CERN is moving Java web applications from VMs to containers running in Kubernetes. For this a Docker image is being developed which needs to integrate well with existing CERN services. In this session I want to show you how we test the image using GitLab CI. This includes our usage of Docker-in-Docker, how we isolate ourselves from the central CERN SSO and LDAP...
Continuous practices like Continuous Integration, Deployment, Testing and Delivery play a big role in modern software development life cycles that allow organizations to frequently and reliably release new services and provide updates and CERN users rely on it to a large extent. Because CERN’s current CI infrastructure and design have evolved largely over the last years, this talk aims to...
The CERN IT infrastructure consists of more than 40000 Puppet-managed virtual and physical machines located in two data centres. All the Puppet catalogs are served by a shared pool of almost 200 Puppet Servers regardless of the organisational unit from which the requests come. This deployment might lead to security risks as the number of nodes and personnel writing Puppet code increases.
When we look at the world our brain instantly turns the images we see into information, intuition and feeling. It does so with an enormous computational effort, using a network with overwhelming, unexplored architecture. We are not even close to create a machine of comparable capabilities, but step by step, improving both the hardware and algorithmic approach, we can make machine understand...