9–15 Jun 2019
Bari, Italy
Europe/Zurich timezone

Study of Strange Particle Production in $pp$ and $pPb$ Collision at $\sqrt{s_{NN}} = 7 \,TeV$ using the simulation data

11 Jun 2019, 18:45
Sala B1+C1 (Giulia Center) (Villa Romanazzi Carducci)

Sala B1+C1 (Giulia Center)

Villa Romanazzi Carducci


Uzma Tabassam (COMSATS University Islamabad)


The yields of strange hadrons: $K_s^{0}$ -meson, $\Lambda^-$ and $\bar{\Xi}$ -hyperon produced in proton-proton ($pp$) and proton-nucleus ($pPb$) collisions at $\sqrt{s_{NN}}= 7 \,TeV$ (in rapidity interval of $|y| < 2$ and traverse momentum range of $0 < p_{T} < 10 \, GeV/c$) as a function of $p_T$ are presented. The simulation codes, $EPOS 1.99$, $EPOS-LHC$ and $QGSJETII-04$ are used as event generators. The predictions of simulation results for the $pp$ collisions are compared with the experimental data obtained by ALICE and CMS detectors. It was observed that: for the $pp$ collisions, the simulation codes cannot describe well the experimental data on strangeness production in $pp$ collisions at $7 \,TeV$. In the area of low $p_T$ less than $1.6 \,GeV/c$ for the $K^0_S$-mesons and $1.3 \,GeV/c$ for the $\Lambda^-$-hyperons, models predictions are systematically greater than the experimental data. Then in the II regions the simulation data and experimental ones cross each other. In the III regions experimental data are systematically greater than the models’ predictions. For the $\bar{\Xi}$ -hyperons the production results were observed only from the $EPOS 1.99$ and $EPOS-LHC$. In case of pPb, all 3 codes give almost same predictions for the $p_T$ distributions of $K_s^0$ -mesons. But with increasing the mass of particles some deviations from $QGSJETII-04$ model predictions for the $\Lambda^-$ -hyperon is observed in the regions of $p_T > 1.5 \, GeV/c$. For the $p_T$ distributions of the $\bar{\Xi}$– hyperons the deviations observed even between the 2 tunes of the EPOS code in the interval of $p_T > 2 \, GeV/c$. The codes predictions depend on the mass of the strange particles produced in the $pPb$ interactions at $7 \,TeV$. Unfortunately, there are not experimental data for the strange particles $p_T$ distributions at this energy of $pPb$ collisions. Then thethe ratios of the experimental data to model simulations give the quantitative results to characterized the differences between the model predictions and the experimental data for the $pp$ and $pPb$ collisions at $7 \,TeV$.

Track Strangeness and Light Flavour


Uzma Tabassam (COMSATS University Islamabad)

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