16 August 2010 to 10 September 2010
Europe/Zurich timezone

Status of viscous hydrodynamics and the extraction of eta/s for the QGP from experimental data

16 Aug 2010, 14:15
TH Theory Conference Room (CERN)

TH Theory Conference Room



Prof. Ulrich Heinz (Ohio State University)


I will review the present status of dynamical models for the evolution of relativistic heavy ion collision fireballs based on viscous relativistic hydrodynamics coupled to a hadron rescattering cascade, and discuss the extraction of the quark-gluon plasma viscosity from a comparison of this approach with experimental data. Further improvements of the modelling that are presently in the pipeline and will eventually address remaining open issues will also be discussed.


Prof. Ulrich Heinz (Ohio State University)

Presentation materials