16 August 2010 to 10 September 2010
Europe/Zurich timezone

Bulk and shear viscosities of the Quark-Gluon Plasma

30 Aug 2010, 14:00
TH Theory Conference Room (CERN)

TH Theory Conference Room



Dr Marcus Bluhm (Subatech Nantes)


Bulk and shear viscosity coefficients of deconfined strongly interacting matter are studied by means of an effective Boltzmann kinetic theory assuming the quark-gluon plasma to be describable in terms of quasiparticle excitations with medium-dependent dispersion relations. At large temperatures, the results resemble parametric dependencies on temperature and coupling known from perturbative QCD. This allows for an extrapolation of the latter into the non-perturbative region finding fairly nice agreement with available lattice QCD results. Correspondingly, a small specific shear viscosity for energy densities reachable under LHC conditions is predicted.


Dr Marcus Bluhm (Subatech Nantes)

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