Introduction to the workshop and the recent survey of the community
High-resolution study of a high-precision wavemeter has been done in Mainz. The reproducibility of the calibration is a striking feature.
The frequency spectrum of the dye laser amplifier in the Helios laboratory in IKS, KU Leuven, has been observed to contain sidebands of the main laser frequency. Multiple orders of these sidebands have are seen and have an offset of about 800 MHz from one another. The origin of this problem and some solutions have been investigated.
Once the output of the laser light is a pure single mode,...
From the latest Bi run at CERN
The Penning Trap community pooled their resources together and created a Trap CS with frequent updates and full support in Europe and North America.
Its concept and current status will be introduced as an example of what a laser control system could, as well as how it was attempted to apply this CS to some laser spectroscopy experiment (TRIGA).
At the accelerator laboratory in Jyväskylä, both the Penning Trap and Collinear Laser Spectroscopy systems are globally integrated into the facility's control system, EPICS. It will be briefly presented.
At the CRIS experiment at ISOLDE, a Python-based distributed control and acquisition system has been developed that allows for fast expansion of any new device and feature. It will be briefly presented.