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CernVM-FS and XRootD Coordination meeting

2-R-025 (CERN)



Radu Popescu (CERN)

Coordination meeting for common projects of CernVM-FS and XRootD.

Present: Wei, Jakob, Michal, Radu

Wei asked what deployment plans there are for CVMFS and XCache.

Jakob suggested that the possible use-cases could be larger data distribution: the data federation architecture or conditions databases.

Clients can connect to Xcache using HTTPS, but Xcache can only talk to its origin using XRootD or HTTP.

Wei: Xcache can be deployed as a site-wide cache for CVMFS. This could be a continuation of the XRootD cache plugin for CVMFS.

Radu: Since clients can only read from Xcache, not write into it, does the XRootD cache plugin need to be configured as part of a tiered cache?

Michal wanted to know the status of the xrdhttppss branch. There is still a bug in the Cache Context Management API. Need Andy's help. Most likely it will be merged for XRootD 4.9.

ATLAS week @ CERN next week (Oct 1-5). We will meet in person at the CERN and continue the discussion.

There are minutes attached to this event. Show them.
    • 17:40 18:00
      Status of XRootD release 20m
      • Are there any blockers for the next XRootD release?
      • Status of the xrdhttppss branch.