C4SI Workshop - Building Impact 2
Collaborate for Social Impact (C4SI) is an experiential education program which challenges students and young professionals to engage innovatively with pressing social issues. We aim to bring together individuals from a diversity of disciplines, including business, technology, international affairs, and international development, to collaborate in response to real world problems. More info available at: https://justinnovate.org/c4si/
Directions on how to get to CERN you can find here: https://home.cern/directions
When on CERN site, you can find the meeting venue Ideasquare with this Google-map: https://goo.gl/WNSa6P
For registering your laptop/mobile phone for wifi access at CERN, please fill in a request here: http://cern.ch/registerVisitorComputer - and use Harri Toivonen as the CERN contact person (on the last page of the request form).