IIT Indore celebrating 10 glorious years (2009-2019)![](https://indico.cern.ch/event/760884/images/20727-heavy_f_m_logo.png)
Ongoing high-energy collider experiments with heavy flavours as probes at the LHC at CERN and at RHIC at BNL involving pp, p(d)A and AA collisions reveal a wealth of information about the medium produced in nucleus-nucleus collisions. The fixed target high luminosity experiment CBM is upcoming at the FAIR facility currently under construction at GSI. By virtue of their large masses (Mc~1.5 GeV, Mb~5 GeV) heavy quark-antiquark pairs are produced in high virtuality processes at the initial stage of the high energy heavy-ion collisions with short formation time (Δt > 1/2M ~ 0.1 fm) which is similar to the formation time of the Quark-Gluon Plasma and much less than the QGP life time (5-10 fm). Heavy-quark production in the QGP is subdominant and strong interactions with the medium don’t change the flavour identity. The uniqueness of heavy quarks is that they cannot be “destroyed/created” in the medium but they are transported through the full system evolution. Consequently, they are excellent probes of the medium and, at the same time, provide a crucial test for perturbative QCD calculations.
The first Heavy Flavour meet was held at IIT Bombay in 2013. The second meet of this series was held at Saha Institute of Nuclear Physics (SINP), Kolkata in 2016 and more details can be found here. The purpose of this “Heavy Flavour Meet” series is to bring together the leading experts comprising experimentalists and theoreticians in this field across the globe to benefit the young researchers working in this field.
To continue the culture, the third meet of this series is arranged in IIT Indore from March 18, 2019 to March 20, 2019.
Dates of Abstract Submission is from October 20, 2018 to November 20, 2018 and Registration is from November 30, 2018 to January 15, 2019
Deadline for Abstract Submission has been extended from November 20, 2018 to January 5, 2019