Rucio 1.18.4 release on Friday 26th instead of Monday 29th
News from the experiments
Network test
In general a success, some findings
Manual configuration of network
For the future, it might be beneficial if e.g. Rucio decides some of these parameters dynamically
Good progress with setup at CERN
Timeframe for oracle11 db is 2-3 weeks
Martin and Gancho currently re-working the Oracle schema.sql (on github); This could be used to initialize DB as it has some oracle-specific adaptions.
Belle II
Rucio presentation at BNL early Nov
Hot topics
New version of urllib3 (1.24) not compatible with requests 2.19.1
Dependency graph not resolved when you do pip install -r
Had to pin urllib3 to 1.23
This apparently also affects existing PyPi packages
Unclear why this affects pip installed package, as normally pip should resolve the dependency graph