4–7 Mar 2019
Europe/Zurich timezone
There is a live webcast for this event.

Call for proposals

  • Opening day
  • Submission deadline

Dear participants of the CSC 2018 in Tel Aviv, and of the Thematic CSC 2018 in Split,

Inverted CERN School of Computing is a 2-4 day long school, organised in late winter at CERN, where the lectures and exercises are prepared and given by former CSC students (=you!).

If you are interested in giving one or more hours of lectures (or lectures and hands-on exercises) at Inverted CSC 2019, please prepare and submit a proposal as soon as possible, and before Monday, November 12th.

You are invited to propose lectures or exercises even if you are not based at CERN. If you are accepted as a lecturer, the School can cover the travel expenses from your home institute to CERN, and accommodation in the CERN hostel.

Do not hesitate to submit your ideas, even if they are not complete/final. We (CSC lecturers and Programme Committee) will monitor your proposals as they come, and may come back to you with suggestions to help you develop your ideas, or put you in contact with other persons interested in lecturing on a similar topic. Therefore, please do not wait until the last moment with submitting your proposals. Also, if you want, you may co-author a series of lectures or exercises with another colleague.

After the submission deadline (November 12th), the CSC Programme Committee will review all proposals, and will make the selection - you can expect to hear back from us in late November/early December. If we have enough hours of accepted lectures and exercises, we will go ahead and organize the iCSC 2019 at CERN on March 4-6, 2019.

Important notes:

  • To get a better feeling of possible iCSC topics, please check the past iCSC programmes (http://csc.web.cern.ch/inverted-school#list), last year’s iCSC (http://indico.cern.ch/e/iCSC-2018), and its opening presentation (https://indico.cern.ch/event/671879/contributions/2748195/).
  • As all CSC schools, the Inverted CSC is not a conference where lecturers present their projects and achievements, nor a training session to teach a particular technology. We expect academic lectures on topics related to scientific computing, relevant for particle physics etc. that you are knowledgeable about, and that you would like to share your vision and a passion for. We also very much welcome proposals for hands-on exercises to complement your lectures.
The call for abstracts is closed.