2:30 PM
Recent Performance Results with PyPy
Wim Lavrijsen
2:50 PM
POOL and Gaudi and ATLAS/LHCb persistence discussion
David Malon
(Argonne National Laboratory)
3:10 PM
Validating athenaMP
Mous Tatarkhanov
(Lawrence Berkeley National Lab. (LBNL)-Unknown-Unknown)
3:30 PM
Persistency in athenaMP
Peter Van Gemmeren
3:40 PM
Upgrade computing
Roger Jones
(Physics Department-Lancaster University-Unknown)
4:30 PM
PMB: Introduction and performance overview
Thomas Kittelmann
(University of Pittsburgh)
4:50 PM
PMB report - Digitization
John Chapman
(University of Cambridge)
5:00 PM
PMB reports - Simulation
Andy Buckley
(University of Edinburgh)
5:02 PM
PMB report - Detector description
Vakhtang Tsulaia
5:05 PM
PMB report - ID
Kirill Prokofiev
5:10 PM
PMB report - LAr/egamma
Scott Snyder
(Brookhaven National Laboratory (BNL))
5:20 PM
PMB report - Muons
Edward Moyse
5:30 PM
PMB report - Combined muon reco
Rikard Sandstroem
5:35 PM
PMB report - DQ monitoring
Peter Onyisi
(University of Chicago)
5:40 PM
PMB report - Jet/Etmiss
Nigel Timothy Thorpe
(Department of Physics-University of Toronto)
5:45 PM
PMB report - TRT
Andrew Beddall
(University of Gaziantep (aff. Bogazici University))
5:47 PM
PMB report - Tau
Claus Buszello
(Uppsala University)
5:49 PM
PMB report - Tile
Andrei Artamonov
(Institute for Theoretical and Experimental Physics (ITEP))
5:51 PM
PMB report - pileup/cavern bgd.
Georges Azuelos
(Phys. Experimentale des Particules-Universite de Montreal)
5:53 PM
PMB report - btagging
Muhammad Saleem
(University of Oklahoma, USA)
5:55 PM
PMB report - HLT
Tadashi Maeno