10–13 Sept 2019
University of Perugia (Italy)
Europe/Zurich timezone

Exotic searches at the NA62 experiment at CERN

13 Sept 2019, 12:20
Aula Magna (University of Perugia (Italy))

Aula Magna

University of Perugia (Italy)

Piazza dell'Università 1, 06123 Perugia (Italy)


Evgueni Goudzovski (University of Birmingham)


The features of the NA62 experiment at the CERN SPS - high-intensity setup, trigger-system flexibility, high-frequency tracking of beam particles, redundant particle identification, and
ultra-high-efficiency photon vetoes - make NA62 particularly suitable to search for long-lived, weakly-coupled particles within Beyond the Standard Model (BSM) physics.
Searches for Heavy Neutral Lepton (HNL) production in charged kaon decays using the data collected by the NA62 experiment are reported. Upper limits are established on the elements of the extended neutrino mixing matrix for HNL masses in the range 130-450 MeV, improving on the results from previous HNL production searches. Sensitivity results for production and decay searches of Axion-Like Particles (ALP) are also presented.
Prospects for future data taking at the NA62 experiment and achievable sensitivities for searches of Dark Photons, Heavy Neutral Leptons and Axion-Like Particles will be reviewed.

Primary author

Patrizia Cenci (INFN Perugia (IT))

Presentation materials