21–23 Jan 2019
Faculty of Physics, University of Warsaw
Europe/Warsaw timezone

Light Particles with Spin in Inflation

21 Jan 2019, 09:00
Faculty of Physics, University of Warsaw

Faculty of Physics, University of Warsaw

seminar room 4.50 (1st and 2nd day), 4.49 (3rd day) Faculty of Physics, University of Warsaw ul. Pasteura 5, 02-093 Warszawa Poland
physics of primordial universe physics of primordial universe


Dr Lorenzo Bordin (University of Nottingham)


The existence of light particles with spin during inflation is prohibited by the Higuchi bound. This conclusion can be evaded if one considers states with a sizeable coupling with the inflaton foliation, since this breaks the de Sitter isometries. The action for these states can be constructed within the Effective Field Theory of Inflation, or using a CCWZ procedure. Light particles with spin have prescribed couplings with soft inflaton perturbations, which are encoded in consistency relations. I will talk about the phenomenology of light states with spin 2. These mix with the graviton changing the tensor power spectrum and can lead to sizeable tensor non-Gaussianities. They also give rise to a scalar bispectrum and trispectrum with a characteristic angle-dependent non-Gaussianity.

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