Identification of dark matter has been an outstanding problem in
physics for decades, and axion (or axion like partciles) is its
candidate with great motivations. A number of observations and experiments have tried to detect axion by using the axion-photon conversion by assuming the axion is coupled to photon, while no signal yet to be found. In this talk, I will discuss new techniques to search for axion dark matter (ADM) by focusing on
another phenomena, birefringence, which is caused by the same coupling. The polarimetry observation of protoplanetary disks puts the best constraint on ADM for fuzzy dark matter mass (m = 10^{-22}eV). I also propose a laser-cavity experiment which can improve the constraint by several orders of magnitude in the intermidiate mass range (10^{-17}eV < m < 10^{-12}eV).