Utopia and the Sustainable Development Goals (SGDs)
As part of the NIFFF ON TOUR label, and in close collaboration with CineGlobe, the Swiss Arts Council Pro Helvetia and new partner STORYTEK (Estonian creative accelerator and pole for innovation), the Neuchâtel International Fantastic Film Festival (NIFFF) is pleased to unveil the projects selected to partake in the second FUTURE STORYWORLDS competition.
This year again this unique workshop in Switzerland will focus on screenwriting for immersive media (video games, augmented reality, virtual reality, mixed reality), and offer a forum for reflection and sharing between Swiss creators and international experts. It is an essential step in ensuring the quality of concepts and narratives the NIFFF and its partners wish to promote in Switzerland. In 2018, FUTURE STORYWORLDS will take particular interest in narrative universes that touch upon themes of utopia and sustainable development.
The selected projects are:
- Another Shore - Théo Fischer & Pablo Perez, MSLS, Karlskrona & Alumni ECAL, Lausanne
- Galileo VR - Corinne Soland, Digitalbühne Zürich, Zurich
- Harnessing consciousness 2032 - Virgile Thévoz, Thévoz — Choquet, Alumni ECAL, Lutry
- Melior Futuri - Fritz Muri, FMquadrat, Horgen
- The Verderer and the Plane - Salômé Guillemin-Poeuf, UN Migration, Alumni HEAD, Genève
- TRÄUMER 4.0 - Peter Philippe Weiss, Corporate Sound AG, Basel
In the end, our experts will choose the most promising project. It will receive a CHF 3,000 grant for development, as well as the possibility to partake in one of STORYTEK's intensive development and residence programmes, scheduled to take place from March 25th to May 17th, 2019.
The complete list of guests is as follows:
- Marc Atallah, Director and curator at Maison d’Ailleurs, Director of Numerik Games Festival, Associate Professor and Researcher, UNIL, CH
- Hadrien Lanvin, CEO of INNERSPACE, FR
- Giovanni Porcellana, Knowledge Transfer Officer in Medical Technologies, CERN, IT
- Jehanne Rousseau, CEO and Founder of Spiders, FR
- David Rudrauf, Director of the Laboratory of Multimodal Modelling of Emotion & Feeling, Swiss Center for Affective Sciences, FAPSE, UNIGE, FR
- Sten Saluveer, Founder of Storytek Creative Accelerator, EE
- Kali Taylor, lead on the Geneva 2030 Ecosystem initiative for the International Institute for Sustainable Development and Advisor to the SDG Lab, CA