17–20 Jun 2019
Cornell University
US/Eastern timezone

ATLAS Pixel Endcap Structure

17 Jun 2019, 14:15
Clark Hall Room 700 (Cornell University)

Clark Hall Room 700

Cornell University

Ithaca, NY, United States


Mr Peter Sutcliffe (University of Liverpool (GB))


The ATLAS Endcap Outer Pixel mechanical structure for the High Luminosity LHC is coming to its final stages of design. In this presentation I will report on past and current R&D of the global and local supports.

I will describe the design of the local support structure mechanics, the production techniques developed. The results from thermal and mechanical FEA will be compared with data taken on full-scale final prototypes. The global mechanics comprises three concentric cylinders which are split at the top and bottom centreline. I will describe two alternative methods of half-cylinder manufacture, discuss their relative merits and consider which is the most appropriate for this application.

In addition I will present experimental results of the metrology of prototype thin walled half-cylinders manufactured from pre-pregs with M55J fibre and LTM110 and EX-1515 resins. The geometric data will compared with the tooling and the CAD model. Data on the vibrational response of the half-cylinder prototypes will be compared to simple models using classical laminate theory and FEA. Finally, I will present a summary of other work being done within the collaboration in order to produce a fully working endcap.

Presentation materials