17–20 Jun 2019
Cornell University
US/Eastern timezone

Mechanical Performance of Bolted Connections of Composite Structures for Tracker Detectors

18 Jun 2019, 11:00
Clark Hall Room 700 (Cornell University)

Clark Hall Room 700

Cornell University

Ithaca, NY, United States


Giorgio Vallone (Lawrence Berkeley National Lab. (US)) Charles Peter Evans (Science and Technology Facilities Council STFC (GB)) Eric Anderssen (Lawrence Berkeley National Lab (US))


Tracker detector structures are designed to minimize the sensor displacements during operation. The various structural components are often interconnected by means of glued or bolted joints. The bolted joints can leave room for small localized displacements, decreasing the total stiffness of the structure. It is important to take into account these effects in order to properly design the structure and estimate its real behavior with accurate numerical models. To evaluate the impact of different bolted connections, a simple representative structure was built at LBNL. Weights were applied in multiple configurations, and the resulting displacements were measured by means of dial gauges. The results were then used to calibrate the numerical models, in which two modeling strategies were used to introduce the local joint compliance: contacts and MPC joints. The advantages and disadvantages of each methodology are discussed here, along with the measurements of the joint compliance. The presented results may be used in the future as a reference for joint modeling in composite structures.


Giorgio Vallone (Lawrence Berkeley National Lab. (US)) Charles Peter Evans (Science and Technology Facilities Council STFC (GB)) Dennis Norman Boettcher (Lawrence Berkeley National Lab. (US)) Eric Anderssen (Lawrence Berkeley National Lab (US)) Joseph Silber (LBNL) Todd Masao Claybaugh (Lawrence Berkeley National Lab. (US)) Mr Tom Johnson (Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory)

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