17–20 Jun 2019
Cornell University
US/Eastern timezone

Thoughts about an R&D collaboration on Detector Mechanics

19 Jun 2019, 18:20
Clark Hall Room 700 (Cornell University)

Clark Hall Room 700

Cornell University

Ithaca, NY, United States


Burkhard Schmidt (CERN)


For an effective and efficient implementation of an R&D program it is mandatory to have a sustained cooperation with partners from the HEP community. The yearly ‘Forum on Tracking Detector Mechanics’ is a good platform to exchange ideas and update each other about ongoing work, however, R&D is only a small part of it.

Motivated by the great success of R&D collaborations like RD50 (radiation hard silicon detectors) and RD51 (micro pattern gas detectors), the suggestion is to apply the model of an R&D collaboration also to the topic of ‘Detector Mechanics’. This would allow us to carry out the research, in which many of us are interested, in a constructive and efficient way, while benefitting of an organizational structure which could be adapted from the existing R&D collaborations.

A proposal on how this could be done for ‘Detector Mechanics’ will be presented.

Presentation materials