DESY and the other Helmholtz centers and institutes participating in the Helmholtz research field Matter are currently preparing the application for the next funding period, which will start in 2021. With this document we will try to increase the visibility of detector mechanics and cooling, and put more emphasis on generic R&D in these topics. In parallel to the general funding application we are preparing a funding application for a so-called distributed detector lab (DDL) that will make technologies and competences developed at a specific centre available to the whole community. If successful, DESY will establish a dedicated lab for material testing and the processing, manufacturing and diagnostics of composite materials. This lab infrastructure will be complemented by a dedicated lab for additive manufacturing to be implemented at another participating centre as part of DDL.
At DESY we are deeply involved in the upgrades of the ATLAS and CMS trackers for the HL-LHC. Over the next years we will design and integrate one tracker end cap each for both experiments. In this respect resources for generic R&D in detector mechanics and cooling are limited and at this point only a few specific projects are identified.