TH Cosmo Coffee

Non-perturbative probability distribution function for cosmological counts in cells

by Mikhail Ivanov (EPFL & IAS & INR RAS), Sergey Sibiryakov (CERN & EPFL & INR RAS)

4/2-011 - TH common room (CERN)

4/2-011 - TH common room


Show room on map

We will present a first-principle calculation of the one-point probability distribution function for spherically averaged matter density field. The calculation is based on a ‘semiclassical’ expansion of the corresponding path integral. The results are in excellent agreement with N-body simulations data. We will discuss potential applications of this statistics to probe extended cosmological models.

The seminar is based on arXiv:1811.07913; related reading: astro-ph/0107126, 1607.01026, 1708.02206, 1808.09968.