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25–27 Feb 2019
FBK, Trento
Europe/Zurich timezone

The development of a 3D detector on a hydrogenated amorphous silicon substrate

26 Feb 2019, 09:40
Aula Grande (FBK, Trento)

Aula Grande

FBK, Trento

Via Santa Croce, 77 38122 Trento ITALY


Mauro Menichelli (INFN Perugia)


The vertex detectors of the future hadronic colliders will operate under proton fluencies above 10E16 p/cmsq. Crystalline Silicon detector technology, up to now, has kept the pace of the increasing fluencies in the LHC era and it is still the prevalent vertex detector technology for the present and for the immediate future. Looking ahead in time an alternative solution for such a detector has to be found because for the future there is no guarantee that Crystalline Silicon will hold this challenge. Hydrogenated amorphous silicon (a-Si:H) has outstanding radiation hardness performances although the development of planar detectors did not have very successful results. A possible way to overcome the difficulties of building an a-Si:H detector can be solved by using the 3D-technology. For these reasons the development of hydrogenated amorphous silicon vertex detectors based on 3D-technology have been proposed and the technological solutions in order to build these detectors are described in this talk.

Primary authors

Mauro Menichelli (INFN Perugia) Maurizio Boscardin (Universita degli Studi di Trento è INFN (IT)) Sylvan Dunand ((i) Ecole Polytechnique Federale de Lausanne (EPFL), Institute of Microengineering (IMT), Neuchatel, (SWITZERLAND)) Livio Fano' (Universita e INFN, Perugia (IT)) Francesco Moscatelli (Universita e INFN, Perugia (IT)) Maria Movileanu-Ionica (INFN-Sez. di Perugia) Marco Petasecca (University of Wollongong) Mauro Piccini (INFN - Sezione di Perugia (IT)) Alessandro Rossi (INFN Perugia) Andrea Scorzoni (Dip. Di Ingegneria dell’Università degli studi di Perugia, Perugia (ITALY)) Giovanni Verzellesi (University of Modena and Reggio Emilia, Italy) Nicolas Wyrsch (EPFL)

Presentation materials