We report on the characterisation of the response of the ALPIDE MAP
sensor to nuclei of energy 20-220 MeV/a.m.u.. ALPIDE has been designed
for the upgrade of ALICE experiment at the LHC: the new tracker will be
fully efficient, with improved sensitivity, for particles with
transverse velocity larger than 0.7c and charge ±1. The operating regime
considered in this work is really different: slower nuclei release much
more energy in silicon, proportionally to Z2/β2, increasing signals by
up to orders of magnitude in amplitude and spatial extension. Since the
only available observable quantity is the cluster size understanding and
parametrising the response of front-end electronics for different
settings of current thresholds, bias potential and acquisition time, is
far from trivial. We provide here results from measurements taken in
Trento (protons 20-220 MeV) and in Catania (H, He, C, O nuclei 62
MeV/a.m.u.). The agreement with predictions from Geant4 Monte Carlo
simulations and TCAD calculations proved sufficiently good to
analytically parametrise the response of ALPIDE to low energy nuclei.