Session 3: Radiation effects in HEP experiments
- Mapo Giordani (Universita degli Studi di Udine (IT))
Radiation damage incurred by the silicon modules in the ATLAS Pixel Detector B-Layer, Layer-1, Layer-2, and disks from the beginning of 2011 through November 2018 has been monitored through measurement of the leakage current. The measurement makes use of the fact that leakage current changes by an amount proportional to the received hadronic fluence. The data are compared to predictions made...
The Compact Muon Solenoid (CMS) pixel detector has been replaced in 2017 to meet the challenges of the high-pileup and high-luminosity environment from proton-proton collisions at the Large Hadron Collider (LHC). The current phase 1 CMS pixel detector has 4 barrel layers and 3 endcap disks to maintain tracking performance at instantaneous luminosities of 2x10e34/cm2/s, and now has withstood...
The LHCb experiment is dedicated to studying CP violation in heavy flavour quark sector, rare decays of mesons containing beauty and charm quarks and searching for New Physics. This challenging physics programme requires excellent tracking system capable of providing high spatial resolution for single hit detection, best possible impact parameter and primary and secondary vertices...
For protecting the inner detectors of experiments and for monitoring the delivered luminosity at HL-LHC a radiation hard beam monitor is being developed. The BCM' proposal consists of a set of detectors based on poly-crystalline Chemical Vapor Deposition (pCVD) diamonds and dedicated Application Specific Integrated Circuit. Due to the large range of particle flux through the detector,...
The VELO detector at the LHCb experiment is a silicon microstrip detector, and has operated for the first two periods of LHC running, with the most irradiated regions receiving fluences of over 4E14, 1MeV n_{eq} cm^{-2} by the end of this period. We review the impact of this radiation on the sensors, considering the impact on the leakage current, charge collection efficiency, cluster finding...