Indico celebrates its 20th anniversary! Check our blog post for more information!

10–15 Jun 2019
Marmara University Sultanahmet Campus
Europe/Istanbul timezone

Phase-2 Endcap Calorimeter (HGCAL)

13 Jun 2019, 09:40
Marmara University Sultanahmet Campus

Marmara University Sultanahmet Campus



Bora Akgun (CERN)


The CMS experiment at CERN will undergo significant improvements to cope with a 5-fold increase in instantaneous luminosity for the High Luminosity LHC (HL-LHC) era. In particular, the endcap calorimetry will suffer from very high radiation levels and unprecedented event pileup. The CMS HGCAL is being designed to replace the existing CMS endcap electromagnetic and hadronic calorimeters. It will be a sampling calorimeter, featuring unprecedented transverse and longitudinal readout and trigger segmentation for both electromagnetic (CE-E) and hadronic (CE-H) compartments. This will facilitate particle-flow calorimetry, where the fine structure of showers can be measured and used to enhance pileup rejection and particle identification, whilst still achieving good energy resolution. The CE-E and a large fraction of CE-H will use hexagonal silicon sensors as active detector material. The lower-radiation environment will be instrumented with scintillator tiles with on-tile SiPM readout. An overview of the HGCAL project will be presented, covering motivation, engineering design, readout and trigger concepts, and performance in beams and in simulation.

Presentation materials