23–27 Jan 2023
Saha Institute of Nuclear Physics
Asia/Kolkata timezone

Probing low scale leptogenesis with inflationary blue-tilted GWs

23 Jan 2023, 12:20
Meghnad Saha Auditorium

Meghnad Saha Auditorium


Mr Satyabrata Datta (Saha Institute of Nuclear Physics)


In Low scale leptogenesis(LSL) models there is a possibility of dynamically generating a small RH neutrino mass when a long-lived scalar field is coupled weakly to the RH neutrinos despite having a large VEV, $v_\Phi$. Considering such a scenario, the correlation shared by the non-standard scalar era driven by $\Phi$ and $M_i$s offers a unique opportunity to study the fingerprints of LSL on primordial gravitational waves. We study the gravitational waves originating due to the inflationary blue-tiled tensor power spectrum and propagating through the scalar epoch, which depending upon $M_i$s provides two important insights. Firstly, if LSLs are taken seriously even for very high scale reheating GWs with a significant blue tilt don’t violate the BBN bound. Secondly, It provides an opportunity to test LSLs with a low frequency and a complementary high frequency doubly peaked GW background. If recent results on GWs from PTAs are taken at face value and used at low frequencies as a measure, allows one to get possible signatures of LSL mechanisms at higher frequencies.

Primary authors

Mr Satyabrata Datta (Saha Institute of Nuclear Physics) Dr Rome Samanta (Czech Academy of Sciences, CEICO)

Presentation materials