HEPiX Spring 2019 Summary

31/3-004 - IT Amphitheatre (CERN)

31/3-004 - IT Amphitheatre


Show room on map
Ignacio Reguero

This is a joint Computing Seminar - ITTF session reporting on the HEPiX Spring meeting 2019 in San Diego.

There is a live webcast for this event
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      HEPiX Spring 2019 Summary

      The HEPiX forum brings together worldwide Information Technology staff, including system administrators, system engineers, and managers from the High Energy Physics and Nuclear Physics laboratories and institutes, to foster a learning and sharing experience between sites facing scientific computing and data challenges. Participating sites include BNL, CERN, DESY, FNAL, IHEP, IN2P3, INFN, JLAB, Nikhef, RAL, SLAC, TRIUMF and many others. The HEPiX organization was formed in 1991, and its semi-annual meetings are an excellent source of information and sharing for IT experts in scientific computing.

      Speakers: Andrei Dumitru (CERN), Piotr Mrowczynski (CERN), Quentin Barrand (CERN)