Developer's meeting


Present: Enrico, Roland, Milo, Phil, Fatih, Frank

Fatih has just joined Nikhef to work on the FELIX+CPU option.

Developments at EHN1:

  • Phil: no progress yet with artdaq crashes (may benefit from CM to consult with experts)
  • Enrico: want to revisit multi-DMA transfers
    • also setting up a test system (lab in building 21), for easier testing
  • Roland:
    • now using a single FELIX host and a single BR host
      • want to see how much of the BR computing can be pushed back to the FELIX host (but may not be easy)
    • NetIO updates
    • modifications to boardreader to allow run stop/restart without shutdown

Aim to provide relatively complete documentation of functionality & limitations
gitlab could be a suitable medium?

Meeting schedule: clash with ProtoDUNE sim/reco meetings is undesirable
Frank will circulate a doodle poll with a few alternative slots [done]


  • Phil has asked to give a presentation on s/w trigger primitive finding
  • the agenda also features at least one item on FELIX "as is" development, we may want to make use of that
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