1. Extension of ETICS Administration Web App with TestSystem specific
Roles. DONE!
2. Workflow Designer integration into eticsDev
* Automatic login into the WorkflowDesigner is completed by 4dsoft
and Sztaki
* Sztaki had completed with an install package for the workflow
* The package contains: tomcat 5.5, jdk 1.6, workflowDesigner apps.,
* scripts. (TESTED and it's working!)
* Workflow Xml and user info is correctely sent by workflowDesigner
to Etics BuildSystem (TESTED!).
* we have to upload the workflowDesigner install package into the
etics CVS.
* we have to add the Workflow Designer into etics install scripts.
Jozsef and Marian is working on that task.
3. Execution of the xml output generated by Workflow Designer by the
ETICS web service
- Most of the parser code have already been finished only a few test missing!
- "public String processWorkflowXml(String xml, String userID)" added to the BuildSystem Web Service
- The Parser code has to be added to the BuildSystem WS. and to test it !
Joszef and Andres work on this task. After the internal verification in 4D Soft the parser code has to be uploaded to the web service (processWorkflowXml()). (Jozsef will send the code to Andres to verify and to upload the code into processWorkflowXml()). If the parser code is uploaded and the basic functionality is verified by Andres – no errors, the generated structure is correctly saved in the database - then we will do some real multimode tests (functional tests).
4. ETICS client extension with etics-plugin-manager
- Some month ago Jozsef has extended the etics CLI with some TestSystem
* interactive management for all the plugins: downloading, installing, deleting plugins
* the new cli services using the TestSystem Web Service to obtain neccesarry data.
- 4DSOFT has to update the existing CLI testsystem functions.
- we have to adapt the TestSystem for installing plugins instead of the existing xml-repository procedure.
- furter investigation needed for the complete PluginManager replecament