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(Re)interpreting the results of new physics searches at the LHC

LT2 (Imperial)



Blackett Laboratory, Imperial College London, South Kensington Campus, London SW7 2AZ
Jonathan Butterworth (University College London (UK)), Nicholas Wardle (Imperial College (GB)), Pat Scott, Sabine Kraml (LPSC Grenoble)

The LHC collaborations are pursuing searches for new physics in a vast variety of channels. While the collaborations typically provide themselves interpretations of their results, for instance in terms of simplified models, the full understanding of the implications of these searches requires the interpretation of the experimental results in the context of all kinds of theoretical models. This is a very active field, with close theory-experiment interaction and with several public tools being developed.

Forum on the interpretation of the LHC results for BSM studies was thus initiated to discuss topics related to the BSM (re)interpretation of LHC data, including the development of the necessary public recasting tools and related infrastructure, and to and to provide a platform for a continued interaction between theorists and with the experiments.

This is the fifth workshop of this Forum - held at Blackett Laboratory, Imperial college London in Lecture Theatre 2 (LT2) on LVL1 of the Blackett Lab. 

Previous meetings took place

  1. workshop: 15-17 June 2016 (kick-off meeting) at CERN
  2. workshop: 12-14 Dec 2016 at CERN
  3. workshop: 16-18 Oct 2017 at Fermilab
  4. workshop: 14-16 May 2018 at CERN

VIDYO connection will be available.

Steering Group

Jon Butterworth 
Andy Buckley
Kyle Cranmer
Daniel Dercks
Matthias Danninger
Matthew Dolan
Benjamin Fuks
Marie-Helene Genest
Ahmed Ismail
Sabine Kraml
Frank Krauss
Michael Krämer
Nazila Mahmoudi
Michelangelo Mangano
Stefano Moretti
Pat Scott
Sezen Sekmen
Wolfgang Waltenberger
Nick Wardle
Andreas Weiler

The workshop is supported by the Institute of Physics and the Institute for Particle Physics Phenomenology.