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GIF++ installation and schedule meeting

892/1-B09 (CERN)



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Giuseppe Pezzullo (CERN), Martin Richard Jaekel (CERN), Federico Ravotti (CERN)
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    • 09:15 09:35
      Review of last week operation & plans for this week 20m

      Weekly summary and plan for the next week :

      Problems with DIP values - SOLVED for the moment.
      sTGC request : alarm on CO2 flow - DONE


      ALICE arrived with 3 x 2 chambers,
      Friday, Saturday, Monday  :   8h30 Measurement with att. 1 then 1h access (9h30-10h30)
      Tuesday : 8h30-9h30 att.1 for 1h, otherwise 2.2 in upstream field (not needed this week)
                      (this week in the afternoon due to ATL-MM 13h-15h)
      Will continue until Mid-February.

      sTGC with one electronic test chamber - 1 month test, running
                    3 x 4h filter scan  (range 100-1) upstream Today after ATLAS-MM / Sunday afternoon / Tuesday afternoon
      sTGC Productiuon : 2 chambers QS2 production chamber in upstream position to be remmoved
                                        return beginning of March

      ATLAS-MM :   MM SM2 detector in the bunker since today Wednesday
                                upstream scan at 9:30AM [Thursday].
                                ==> 20 min at each filter and in between a 46000 attenuation [333] for 5 minutes
                                50 / 20 / 10 / 6.9 / 4.6 / 2.1 / 1.5   - should be finished @2pm latest.
                                access after scan to move chamber.

      CMS-RPC : installation of electronics for EcoGas, installation of 3 chambers in Trolley 3.
                          Currently using the default gas mixture for 1-2 weeks.

      CMS-RPC trolly 1&3 

      EP-DT2  & CMS-RPC :

             for the next days - repeatedly : 2h measurement with att. 100, then 2h no measurement (until 18 h)
              will continue with different att factors for the next 2 weeks.

      LHCb +  
      CMS-CSC small prototype  will move in 1-2 weeks back to downstream

      CMS-GEM 1&2


      ATLAS-RPC - 2 setups, IMPACT now available.
               next 6 weeks :  Wednesday 3 short accesses with after Source ON within 3h - after access day.

      CMS-DT MB 1&2 - to stopped on 30.01 with 1/15 irradiation.

              3 h  filter scan downstream (15 to higher) - to be checked with upstream stable filter scans.         

      CMS-CSC + LHCb  : starting next week regular Thursday filter scans downstream 6.9, typically 10-18h.

      EN-CV and ATLAS-NSW  samples installed on CMS-GEM (passive irradiation)
      We will check for shadowing next week.


    • 09:35 09:40
      Mass Production Tests & Long Term Campaigns - General Items 5m

      General planning for long term campaigns.

    • 09:40 09:50
      New requests for tests at GIF 10m

      introduction, goal of the test, plan, needs

      EcoRPC-Gas chambers to be tested with new mixture for RPCs.
      - Discussion about mixer rack installation ongoing.

      Test of sealing material / EN-CV for HL-LHC.
      One copper piece with pipes connected, expected to receive 10Gy, to be tested for 100Gy.

      Upcoming BE-BI : test of  XBPF in 100Gy steps. Starting in Summer.

    • 09:50 10:00
      Infrastructure & Upgrades to the Facility 10m

      Improvements needed or planned for the facility.

      Speakers: Giuseppe Pezzullo (CERN), Martin Richard Jaekel (CERN)

      New Items :


      Ongoing Projects :

      Correction of Irradiator Signals after power cut.
      Since installation of UPS, the Irradiator signals UNSAFE after a power cut, independently if the source was ON or OFF at the time. In reality, source will always be in safe position after power cut. Power cycle controls in control room to get correct status.


      PyTIMBER :

          Additional values need to be collected/republished ?
              - REMUS  - to be included in GIF Display
              - XTDV - to be included in pytimber only

      • LS2 restrictions & interventions 5m

        Restart of gas supply : Monday 7.01 -> DONE

        Access intervention :  next Wednesday morning.

        Update / Restart of the BE/CO infrastructure. 21-23.01

      • Bunker Extension Project 10m

        News about the ongoing bunker extension

        Bunker extension :


        Bunker layout frozen,  final shape of roof will depend on available blocks.

        Schedule floating, depending on availability of EN services.
        Currently estimated start : Either early July or early September.

    • 10:00 10:30
      Announcements 30m

      You can subscribe to the calendar with the following link (to be added in you calendar application)

      • IMPACTS for 2019 5m

        Guidelines for filling in IMPACT requests

        List of active IMPACT declarations :

        General Guideline : One IMPACT per setup.


        • two chambers on individual supports -> 2 IMPACT declarations
        • multiple chambers swapped on same or similar support -> one IMPACT declaration
        • basically, if you need two locations, please make two IMPACT declaration (clone)

        Each Setup should have IMPACT label attached with number.
        Attached documents : CAD file  or  picture.
        Review working hours : if your declaration includes the bunker area, please state the number of hours you want to stay INSIDE the bunker only (for RP purposes).

        NEW IMPACT needed for 2019 !

      • New Announcements 5m
      • AOB 5m

        Issue with ligth.  Button near access door should enable the light for additional 2h.
        We plan to keep the light over the GIF area active in the near future (change by EN-EL needed)

        Locked door on Saleve side. Proposal top remove the cylinder to avoid the guard locking the door during night times.