Dealing with JSON data in Oracle: DOs and DON'Ts
JSON is not a new data format but it is still gaining popularity in various aspects of data management - including databases. In this talk, Beda Hammerschmidt will give an overview about JSON, it's benefits, common use cases, dos and dont's and how JSON data can be queried, indexed, generated, and processed with the Oracle Database. The talk will also present the SODA-API which provides easy CRUD access to JSON data - similar to No-SQL document databases. The target audience are DBAs who want to learn about new features of the Oracle Database as well as developers and architects interested in modern and agile application develpment.
About the speaker
Beda Hammerschmidt is an engineer (coder) in the Oracle Database Team since 2006. For many years he worked on various components of XML DB. In 2013 he represented Oracle in a joined effort with IBM to develop a standard to process JSON data in a relational database (the proposal became part of SQL 2016). Since then, Beda has been the technical lead for JSON support in the Oracle Database and implemented many components.
Gancho Dimitrov, ATLAS and Andrei Dumitru, IT Department