Accelerators for Science and Society Symposium

Arena and Convention Centre Liverpool

Arena and Convention Centre Liverpool

Kings Dock, Liverpool Waterfront L3 4FP UK
Carsten Peter Welsch (Cockcroft Institute / University of Liverpool)

Particle accelerators have numerous applications across many fields including fundamental research, medicine, electronics, environment and energy.

In this Symposium, leading scientists from across Europe discussed how advances in accelerator research are driving innovation across a wide range of sectors and creating huge benefits for both science and society. Each speaker provided unique insight into their current research and showcase their vision for future developments and applications.

In addition, an international best-selling author and educator highlighted the importance of art and creative subjects working alongside scientific disciplines in order for society to innovate and solve the big challenges it faces.

Finally, the coordinator of the OMA, AVA and LIV.DAT training initiatives presented an overview talk about best practice in researcher training. 

All presentations were live streamed on the day and are now available to watch here.

Further information:

The OMA and AVA projects have received funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under the Marie Skłodowska-Curie grant agreement No 675265 (OMA) and  No 721559 (AVA).

The LIV.DAT training centre is supported by the Science and Technology Facilities Council (STFC) and hosted by the University of Liverpool and Liverpool John Moores University / Astrophysics Research Institute.

For further information please contact Zuzana Oriou
    • 09:45 10:15
      Arrival of schools and registration 30m
    • 10:15 10:30
      Accelerators for Science and Society - Introduction 15m

      Particle accelerators have numerous applications across many fields including fundamental research, medicine, electronics, environment and energy.

      In this talk, Professor Carsten Welsch gives an overview of the various applications of these 'atom smashers' and how they have created huge benefits for both science and society.

      This presentation provides an overview and introduction to the more detailed talks during the Accelerators for Science and Society Symposium.

      Speaker: Carsten Peter Welsch (Cockcroft Institute / University of Liverpool)
    • 10:30 11:00
      The Power of Data 30m

      Since the dawn of civilization, humans have been creating technologies to aid them in their lives. But more recently we have seen the speed of change and impact of computational technologies rapidly increasing. In particular, with the rapid growth of computational devices being used in almost all aspects of human activity, we have seen an explosion in the volumes of data, both structured and unstructured, being generated in a range of domains.
      This talk discusses some of these trends in the domains of data science, big data and artificial intelligence and provide examples of applications. The transformational power of data, but also some of the issues and challenges arising by using large volumes of data and advanced analytics techniques are discussed. This includes complex ethical and other considerations that may have a profound impact on individuals, groups and the wider society.

      Speaker: Prof. Maria Fasli (University of Essex)
    • 11:00 11:30
      Proton Beam Therapy: How the Large Hadron Collider Cures Cancer 30m

      Have you ever wondered what connects the Large Hadron Collider to cancer treatment? Did you know that more than half of the world’s particle accelerators are used not for fundamental physics research but in cancer treatment and other branches of medicine?
      This talk introduces some of the ways that particle accelerators are used in cancer treatment, from the most common radiotherapy gantries to the more advanced technology needed for proton beam therapy. Along the way it discusses how we use beams of radiation to treat cancer effectively and why the machines needed for proton beam therapy are so large and complex, along with an overview of the NHS’ new proton beam therapy facilities.

      Speaker: Simon Jolly (University College London)
    • 11:30 12:00
      Antimatter Matters 30m

      We exist, although we shouldn’t. As do stars and galaxies and planets although they also shouldn’t. According to our current understanding of the laws of physics, the universe contained equal parts of matter and antimatter in the first instants that should have instantly obliterated each other - and left the universe filled with nothing but light. And yet, here we are.

      This talk presents some of the attempts to solve the mystery of the missing antimatter, as well as about where antimatter can pop up and affect your life.

      Speaker: Michael Doser (CERN)
    • 12:00 12:30
      Full STEAM ahead 30m

      Fundamental research has helped advance knowledge for thousands of years. In combination with the creative minds of artists and designers, unique opportunities for innovation to the benefit of society can be created.

      This presentation shines a light on the importance of thinking creatively and how the inquiring mind can become the leader in industry.

      Speaker: Curtis Jobling
    • 12:30 13:00
      Accelerating Researcher Careers 30m

      Cutting edge research in accelerator science requires universities, research centres and private companies to work closely together. This provides an ideal ground for training the next generation of scientists and engineers.

      The University of Liverpool has led innovative training programmes with partners from around the world for more than a decade. This has resulted in a steady supply of highly qualified researchers to the international community of particle accelerator experts.

      This talk highlights the benefits from international mobility and cross-sector, interdiscplinary training, along the career opportunities for (future) researchers.

      Speaker: Carsten Peter Welsch (Cockcroft Institute / University of Liverpool)
    • 13:00 14:30
      Fellow poster session 1h 30m
    • 13:00 14:15
      Outreach activities 1h 15m
    • 14:15 14:30
      Awards and good-bye (schools only) 15m
    • 14:30 15:00
      Coffee Break 30m
    • 15:00 18:00
      AVA and OMA Supervisory Board meeting (closed session)