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30–31 May 2019
Other Institutes
America/Bogota timezone

Regular black holes with exotic topologies

30 May 2019, 10:30
Other Institutes

Other Institutes

Universidad Antonio Nariño - Sede Circunvalar Carrera 1 # 47A - 15, Bogotá Teatrino 1


Mr Gustavo Melgarejo (Universidad de Los Andes)


In this talk we will show that one can construct regular black holes solutions by reversing the Penrose singularity theorem and by tuning the null energy condition appropriately. In particular, we will show the existence of spherically symmetric regular black hole solutions with exotic topologies and we will classify them by using some kind of charge related to the trace of the energy momentum tensor computed at spatial infinity. Finally, possible links with Petrov changes and phase transitions will be briefly commented.

Primary authors

Mr Gustavo Melgarejo (Universidad de Los Andes) Dr Pedro Bargueño (Universidad de Los Andes)

Presentation materials