14–17 Jun 2019
Other Institutes
Canada/Eastern timezone

MicroBooNE as a supernova neutrino detector: using the SNEWS alert as delayed trigger

16 Jun 2019, 16:00
A226 (Other Institutes)


Other Institutes

Contributed Talk Contributed talks VII


José I. Crespo-Anadón (Columbia University Nevis Laboratories)


MicroBooNE is a liquid argon time projection chamber (LArTPC) in the Booster neutrino beamline at Fermilab. In addition to the beam-related physics program, MicroBooNE features a dedicated readout for detection of core-collapse supernova neutrinos and associated R&D. Being a near-surface detector exposed to an intense cosmic ray flux, MicroBooNE does not attempt to self-trigger on the supernova neutrinos. Instead, a continuous readout of the detector has been developed, for which the data is stored temporarily in disk up to a few days, using the SNEWS alert as delayed trigger to initiate the permanent storage of the data. In order to handle the large data rates generated by the LArTPC, FPGA-based compression algorithms have been developed. This talk will describe the MicroBooNE continuous readout stream design and its performance.

Primary author

José I. Crespo-Anadón (Columbia University Nevis Laboratories)

Presentation materials