Matthias Artur Weber
(Eidgenossische Tech. Hochschule Zuerich (ETHZ))
20/01/2010, 16:50
A study of hadronic event shapes in QCD events at the Large Hadron Collider (LHC) is shown. The study is based on a Geant detector simulation of the Compact are robust under variations of the jet energy scale and resolution effects, which makes them Calorimetric jet momenta are used as input for calculating various event-shape variables, which probe Muon Solenoid (CMS) detector. the structure...
Thomas Punz
(IPP ETH Zürich)
20/01/2010, 17:10
Jet veto systematics in the WW decay channel of the Higgs boson search with the CMS experiment. The tt_bar production is contributing a large fraction of the background in the WW channel. It can be drastically reduced with a jet veto. Therefore detailed studies of the jet systematics of the tt_bar pair production and the impact on the Higgs search are needed and will be discussed. These...
Jan Detlef Thomsen
(UHH - Institut fuer Experimental Physik-Universitaet Hamburg-Un)
20/01/2010, 17:40
To recognise supersymmetric decays or other rare processes, the standard model background for these signatures have to be predicted as precisely as possible. At the CMS experiment the reference analysis 2 is looking for supersymmetry in the purely hadronic channel. In this talk a data driven background estimate to this analysis for the ttbar and W+jet channel with muons or electrons in the...
Predrag Milenovic
(Vinca Institute of Nuclear Sciences (VINCA))
20/01/2010, 18:00
Generic signatures of supersymmetry with R-parity conservation include same-sign isolated dielectron pairs, accompanied by energetic jets and missing transverse energy. The detection of these signatures relies on the observation of an excess of events over Standard Model background expectations. In this study we present different methods to control and estimate Standard Model backgrounds for...
Mirena Ivova Rikova
21/01/2010, 09:20
Preliminary results for the Lorentz angle in the silicon barrel pixel detector of the CMS experiment are presented. Two different methods are used to extract the Lorentz angle from the first LHC collision data and from cosmic data.
Frank Meier
(Nuclear and Particle Physics Dept.-Paul Scherrer Institut (PSI)-)
21/01/2010, 09:40
An overview to the alignment of the inner tracker is given together with a brief description of alignment approaches and algorithms used. Results from cosmic runs in 2008 and 2009 will be presented as well as some impacts of alignment to physics analyses.
Lukas Epprecht
(Institut fuer Teilchenphysik-Eidgenossische Tech. Hochschule Zue)
23/01/2010, 10:00
ArDM is an experiment for direct detection of weakly interacting massive particles in the universe with a double phase liquid argon calorimeter / TPC. The detector discussed in this talk has a fiducial volume of about 1 ton of liquid argon and the detection is done independently by the collection of ionizing charge as also of scintillation light. In this talk I'll presents an overview over...
Devis Orlando Lussi
(Institut fuer Teilchenphysik-Eidgenossische Tech. Hochschule Zue)
23/01/2010, 10:40
In this talk I will describe construction and operation of a 3 litre chamber based on the new concept of double phase pure argon Large Electron Multiplier Time Projection Chamber (LAr LEM-TPC): after drifting in liquid argon, the ionization electrons are extracted from the liquid to the vapour phase, where multiplication occurs due to high electric fields in the vicinity of the LEM holes. The...